Farm Okukuna is a visionary new project to enhance food and nutrition security in the informal settlements of Windhoek. The farm act as the centre for a number of programmes, including growing food, marketing it and engaging the community on healthy nutrition.
We are commited to
City of Windhoek
The World Future Council and the City of Windhoek have been engaging for a number of years on programmes for food and nutrition security.
The cooperation is inspired by the celebrated food policy system of the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte.
The “Department of Economic Development & Community Services” of the City is responsible for the Farm Okukuna project. Witch experience in reaching out to the community, the City is committed to enhancing food and nutrition security. The City is currently putting up fencing and will hire and pay an on-site care taker and security in the long-term.
It will also provide a connection to electricity and water (semi-purified and fresh).
Please support us
Donovan Wagner
Eloolo Permaculture Initiative
P: 081 - 867 9297
Ina Neuberger Wilkie
World Future Council
P: 081 - 244 3981
Monika Shefeeni
City of Windhoek
P: 081 - 124 3783
Wasser für die Gemeinschaftsfarm „Okukuna“ – Permakultur in Namibia
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