Welcome To Eloolo Permaculture

The Eloolo Permaculture Initiative is a group of young environmentalist and activists engaged in education, research, consultation, implementation of food systems and associated Permaculture projects. We strive to improve human ecosystems to become healthy and abundant, guided by our ethics: Care for the people, care for the earth and fair share!

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About Us

Eloolo Permaculture Initiative

Is based in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, and we are the country’s first and only Permaculture NGO.
Our young and dynamic team has a fresh and unique approach to tackling environmental and socio-political problems that still persist, and are worsening, in Namibia after 27 years of independence.
We believe that all Namibians can benefit from taking part in shaping their environment to become more abundant and resilient in the wake of great environmental and economic challenges.
We are passionate about working on projects addressing urban food security, community education, environmental awareness and sustainability.

Mission Statement

Eloolo Permaculture Initiative endeavours to improve human ecosystems to become healthy and abundant, guided by our ethics of care for the people, care for the earth and fair share.

Vision Statement

Our vision is for people to live in healthy communities based on resilient food systems.


'Eloolo' means 'abundance' in Oshivambo, the language of Namibia's largest ethnic group.


“Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.”

Bill Mollison, Permaculture co-founder.
"Permaculture is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and strength of natural eco-systems. It is a harmonious combination of land and people in supplying their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way."(Graham Bell, The Permaculture Way)


More precisely permaculture is a “design system based on ecological principles” which provides the organising framework for implementing the above vision. In this more limited, but important sense it draws together the diverse skills and ways of living which need to be rediscovered and developed to empower us to move from being dependent consumers to becoming responsible producers.
In this sense, permaculture is not the landscape, or even the skills of organic gardening, sustainable farming, energy efficient building or eco-village development as such, but can be used to design, establish, manage and improve these and all other efforts made by individuals, households and communities towards a sustainable future.


"Permaculture is also a world wide network and movement of individuals and groups working in both rich and poor countries on all continents. Largely unsupported by government or business, these people are contributing to a sustainable future by reorganising their lives and work around permaculture design principles. In this way they are creating small local changes but ones which are directly and indirectly influencing action in the wider environment, organic agriculture, appropriate technology, communities and other movements for a sustainable world. After 30 years Permaculture may rank as one of Australia’s most significant “intellectual exports." David Hogrem, www.holgren.com.au

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Project Posts

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  • Clean Travel
  • Klippdachs Kaserne
  • Farm Okukuna

Clean Travel

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Farm Okukuna

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Clean Travel

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Klippdachs Kaserne

Pic 2

Farm Okukuna

Pic 2

Clean Travel

Pic 3

Klippdachs Kaserne

Pic 1

Klippdachs Kaserne

Pic 3

Farm Okukuna

Pic 3

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Contact Us

We are situated on the corner of Hügel Street and the turn-off to the Meteorological Office – you can't miss us.
Please contact us before visiting us at our offices.


John Mufangejo Art Centre,


+264 81 867 9297

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